You Ask, We Answer: Can Invisalign Fix My Overbite?

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — queensvilled @ 4:44 pm
Young woman holding clear aligner up to her smile

Most people have to undergo orthodontic treatment at some point in their lives. Whether you want to straighten your teeth, ease pain from TMD, or treat bite misalignment, orthodontics can help. You’ve been self-conscious about your overbite for years, but now that you’re old enough to do something about it, the last thing you want is braces. However, Invisalign can really only straighten your teeth rather than fix your bite, right? In the past, that may have been true. Now, after 20 years of research, Invisalign has been proven to fix overbites and other bite issues if designed properly by a professional. Here’s how the process works.
